the more convenient for the user ...
the more complex for the integrator ...
that likes challenges

damation, an amalgation of data and automation, founded in the year 2000, is building systems where technology in buildings is melted into one and controlled by one user friendly interface.

All those years on the market gave us a very broad knowledge of all technology that can be installed in a building. We combine our horizontal oriented knowledge and experience in partnership with contractors that have in turn a very vertical knowledge and experience.

That creates an ecosystem of rock solid services resulting in stable and reliable systems. Systems that from the first day of our existence are build around you … the user. And not the opposite.

It happens sometimes that we exclude technology, even if technologically wise better, out of system builds because they are not stable or too difficult to integrate.

Since the beginning of our presence on the market we have a rather no-nonsense approach. We are not offering fancy features but instead are interested offering you features that increase usage clarity, comfort, security and last but not least energy-efficiency.